dr hab. Andrzej Diniejko




Research interests:

– British literature and culture

– Victorian Studies

– Digital Humanities

– Theory of literature


Educational background, degrees:

– D.Litt. (dr hab.) in Literary Studies, University of Warsaw, 2010

– Ph.D. in English Literature, University of Warsaw, 1997

– M.A. in English Language and Literature, University of Warsaw, 1970


Professional experience:


2007           –   present – University College of English Language Teacher Education,

University of Warsaw

1990-2007  –   Foreign Language Teacher Education College, Jan Kochanowski University in


1975-1990  –   University of Technology in Kielce

1970-1975  –   Stefan Żeromski Secondary School in Kielce


Selected publications: 


2010    Introduction to the Study of Literature and Film in English Uniwersytet Warszawski,

Warszawa, 353 pages

2008    The Condition of England Debate in English Fiction: From William Golding’s Calerb

Williams to Zadie Smith’s White Teeth, Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 264


2006    Existential and Social Perspectives in Thomas Hardy’s Novels, Akademia

Świętokrzyska, Kielce, 159 pages

2005    An Introduction to the United States of America, Wyd. Egis, Kraków, 191 pages

1999    English-Speaking Countries: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the

            Republic of Ireland,  vol. I, 151 pages, Warszawa: WSiP

1983    English Practice for Engineering Students, Politechnika Świętokrzyska, Kielce, 160


1975    Wybrane zagadnienia z literatury angielskiej i amerykańskiej. Instytut Kształcenia

Nauczycieli i Badań Oświatowych, Kielce, 91 pages


Selected articles:

2016    “Benjamin Disrael’s Tancred as an Imperial Utopia”, in: From Queen Anne to Queen      Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British Literature and Culture, ed. by

Grażyna Bystydzieńska and Emma Harris, Vol. 5,

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut Anglistyki, Pracownia “Ośrodek Studiów

Brytyjskich”, 109-118

2015    “John Fowles’s The French Lieutenant’s Woman as an Early  Neo-Victorian Novel

with an Existentialist Message”, Victorianomania. Reimagining, Refashioning, and

            Rewriting Victorian  Literature and Culture, a cura di Simonetta Falchi, Greta Perletti,

Maria Isabel Romero Ruiz. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 17-38.

Ruth and the Fallen Woman Question in Victorian England”, Evil and Its Variations     in the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell. Sesquicentennial Essays. Edited by Mitsuharu   Matsuoka, Osaka: Kyoiku Tosho, 121-136.

“Benjamin Disraeli a idea imperialna”, Filologia. IV Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula.    39/2015, 5-23

2012    “The Victorian Web: An Invaluable Resource For Teachers and Students of

Victorian Literature, History and Culture”, Figures in the Carpet a cura di Giulia

Pissarello, Edizioni Tracce, Abruzzo, 395-405

2009    “Rewriting Multiculturalism in Postcolonial British Fiction”, Philology Issue 1,

Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomiczno-Informatycznej w Warszawie, 7-22

“Mismatched marriages and sexual politics in George Eliot’s Middlemarch, Anglica,       ed. by Andrzej Weseliński, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 85-98

2008    “Englishness as Literary Discourse”, Literature and  Culture, ed. by Sławomir Wącior

and Grzegorz Maziarczyk, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL. Katolicki

Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 57-72

2001    “The Search for Meaning and Interpretation of the Cultural Load in Literary Texts”,

The Evidence of Literature, ed. by Sven-Johan Spånberg, Henryk Kardela, Gerald   

            Porter. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, Lublin, 63-72

2000    „Problemy i propozycje metodologiczne w praktyce dydaktyczne historyka literatury

obcej na trzyletnich zawodowych studiach neofilologicznych”, Kieleckie Studia Neofilologiczne 1, pod redakcją Andrzeja Diniejki, Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im.

Jana Kochanowskiego, Kielce, 115-119

1999   “The Notion of Personal Freedom in the Fiction of D. H. Lawrence and John Fowles”,   Tradition and Postmodernity: English and American  Studies and the Challenge of the    Future, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on English and American             Literature and Language, ed. by Teresa Bela i Zygmunt Mazur Kraków:  Universitas,             227-235

“Existential Perspective in English Fiction from Thomas Hardy to John Fowles. A.         Philosophical Background and an Overview”, in: Doświadczenie moralne i filozofia       człowieka, pod redakcją Ireneusza Świtały, Częstochowa, 217-228

1998   “Existentialist Perspective in Thomas Hardy’s Major Fiction”, Kwartalnik 

            Neofilologiczny. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, XLV,  2/1998, 105-123.

1994    „Teaching Background Knowledge to English-Speaking Countries In ELT”, The 

             Third International IATEFL PL Conference 18-20 November  1994. Kielce, 1994, 5  


1987  “Standard terminology for international communication”, Neoterm, Journal of the

            International Organization for Unification of Terminological Neologisms – IOUTN,

Nr  7/8, 1987, 7 pages



Selected online publications in The Victorian Web (2017-2015)

Benjamin Disraeli’s The Rise of Iskander as a Philhellenic Tale of Chivalry and Love

Isaac D’Israeli (1766-1848): A Biographical Sketch

Henrietta Temple — Disraeli’s Semi-Autobiographical Romance About Love and Money

Benjamin Disraeli’s Autobiographical Reveries in Contarini Fleming

The Imperial Idea in Benjamin Disraeli’s Alroy

Benjamin Disraeli’s Vivian Grey as a Silver-Fork Novel With a Key

Benjamin Disraeli’s The Young Duke as a Silver Fork-Novel With Social Commentary

The Voyage of Captain Popanilla as a Satire on Utilitarianism

Thomas Hardy’s A Pair of Blue Eyes As a Cliffhanger with a Post-Darwinian Message

A Quest for the Eternal Feminine Ideal in The Well-Beloved by Thomas Hardy

Castles, cameras, and telegraphy — ancient and modern in Thomas Hardy’s A Laodicean

Thomas Hardy’s The Trumpet Major – A Minor Masterpiece With a Flaw

Benjamin Disraeli’s Vivian Grey as a Silver-Fork Novel With a Key

Subversion and Self-reflexivity in Thomas Hardy’s The Hand of Ethelberta

Under the Greenwood Tree: Thomas Hardy’s Early Masterpiece

Thomas Hardy’s Desperate Remedies As a Sensation Romance With Intertextual Clues and Allusions

Thomas Hardy’s Affinities With Arthur Schopenhauer and Eduard von Hartmann


Selected book translations

2015   Natan Sznaider, Pamięć żydowska i kosmopolityczny ład, Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa,

Warszawa 2015, 101-189.

2011    The Auschwitz Poems ed. by Adam A. Zych. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum,

Oświęcim, translation of some poems, Introduction and footnotes, 544 pages.

1991   Roman Mierzecki, The Historical Development of Chemical Concepts.  Translation

from Polish by Andrzej Diniejko. Warszawa, Dordrecht [etc.]: PWN [Państ. Wydaw.

Naukowe], Kluwer Academic Publishers, Polish Scientific Publishers, 281 pages

1973    Protection of Man’s Natural Environment A Collective work/ initiated and planned by   Władysław Szafer prepared for publication by Włodzimierz Michajłow;

[translated from the Polish by Andrzej Diniejko (30 stron)  et al.], PWN, Kraków

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